How to Revitalize a Coffee Table

There are few items in your home more useful and universal than a coffee table. A coffee table will provide dependable service for years and years, and you may find that you grow attached. What can you do then, when your cherished table breaks or loses its luster? There are a few options here, depending on what sort of damage your table has sustained and what quality to which you wish it to return. Some options are cost effective, while others are a bit pricier. Ultimately, it depends on the style and original quality of the table along with the quality of work you prefer. A job you do yourself can often have similar results to that of a professional.

One of the best skills to develop in repairing a coffee table is refinishing. As drinks are served on the table, it is very common for the finish to be damaged by liquid. This can happen in several ways. First, there is the possibility of water marks. These are not typically very damaging to the table, and only cause an aesthetic problem if dealt with quickly. There are a number of easily acquired substances found at the hardware store made to remedy such situations. If liquid manages to penetrate the finish, it will warp the surface of the table and damage the wood underneath. This is a more serious problem, but can be dealt with fairly easily. Strip the surface of the coffee table and refinish.

Structural damage is a bit more difficult to repair when it comes to a coffee table. Minor chips can usually be remedied with wood filler. Once the filler is applied, cover it with finish or stain to make it blend with the rest of the table. A broken leg or support can be fixed with brackets or braces. This is a quick fix, but can last for some time. Reattaching a leg with dowels and glue, however, will provide longer life for the coffee table.

Go here to read about coffee tables and tying it to with living room.

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